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Bicycle Rentals

Yosemite Valley Lodge


 WHAT   TO   DO 


Value to Cost
Skill Level
Supplies Needed
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WHAT: Although an automobile may be the preferred choice to get from one end of Yosemite National Park to the other end, touring Yosemite Valley by bicycle easily wins out as the most ideal way to see all the Valley has to offer.  It stretches only seven miles long and about a mile wide, and has many convenient trails for bicyclists.


Whether you have a few hours, one day, or an entire week to spend in the Valley, riding on its 12+ miles of bicycle trails will secure a spot in your memory as an engaging and worthwhile experience.  It’s the great equalizer in the quest to find a mode of transportation that benefits the user and the environment while reducing congestion, a long-desired goal for all who use the Park.


You have three bicycle options within Yosemite Valley: 1. Bring your own bike, 2. Rent a bike at three different locations through the Park’s concessionaire, Aramark (Yosemite Hospitality), and 3. Utilize the Yosemite Conservancy’s Bike Share Program (there are 50 bikes with a limit of two-hour use and you must download an app to unlock the bicycle—See “HOW & HOW MUCH” below for links for the apps.). 

WHEN:  Bicycle Rentals open in early to late April and close in late October (conditions permitting).  For 2021, rentals opened for service on April 9th at Yosemite Valley Lodge and Curry Village, and on April 30th at Yosemite Village.


The three rental shops are available daily from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.  The last bike is rented at 4:45 pm.  All bikes must be returned by 5:45 pm. 


The Yosemite Conservancy’s Bike Share Program bikes are available from June through October.

WHERE: The focus here is on Yosemite Valley since most other roads in the greater Yosemite area do not make for safe bicycling (although the residential portion of Wawona provides room to bicycle as well—see map here).  Click here for map of bicycle trails in Yosemite Valley.


Bicycle Rentals can be found at: 1. Yosemite Valley Lodge (near the outdoor swimming pool), 2. Yosemite Village (just southwest of the Village Store near the roundabout and the public parking lot), and 3. Curry Village (at the southern portion of the Apple Orchard parking lot).  See map below.



















The Yosemite Conservancy’s Bike Share Program bicycles are currently found in two locations: 1. Yosemite Valley Lodge day-use parking lot, and 2. Behind the Village Store (near the day-use visitor parking lot and roundabout--sometimes called Camp 6).  See map below.

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HOW & HOW MUCH:  Bicycle Rentals (from Yosemite Hospitality) are available first-come, first-served (reservations can be made for ADA bicycles—see number below).  Select a bike and pay attendant at kiosks.  As of January 2023, rental rates are $40 for a full-day and $30 for a half-day for a standard bike. 


Bikes with an attached trailer rent for $75 for a full-day and $55 for a half-day.  A helmet is required for anyone under 18 years of age.  There is no charge for the use of helmets unless you use your own bike (then a $5 charge).

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Call for ADA bike rental reservations at one of these numbers: (209) 372-1208 (Yosemite Valley Lodge), (209) 372-8323 (Curry Village), and 209 372-1268 (Yosemite Village). 


Additional rental rates are noted in the chart below:

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Bike Share Program: To unlock the bicycle, one needs to download the free Yosemite Bike-Share app for Apple/iOS (via the App Store) or Android (via Google Play) by registering with your mobile number and email address. A PIN will then be provided which should be entered on the app (only required once).


Choose a bike from the “Sanitized” group (for COVID-19 safety protocol, you’ll return the bike to the “Used” group). Then scan the QR code displayed between the handlebars with your phone and the back wheel will unlock!


You can use the helmet provided by clicking on the helmet icon on the app. Stay on designated bike paths and roads while enjoying your tour of Yosemite Valley!

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